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Welcome! 👋🏻🌟

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Hello, curious mind! ✨

In this tutorial, we will learn about: 📚🔍

  • KILT Concepts 🧠: We will cover important topics such as Accounts, DIDs, CTypes, Claims, and Credentials. 🗂🔗
  • Using KILT SDK 🛠: From creating a Claim to the attestation process to even the verification process, we will do everything with the KILT SDK. 🚀
    • Claimer 📝: Create your own Claims! ✅
    • Attester 🌟: Perform attestation processes! 🤝
    • Verifier 👀: Verify the created processes! 🕵️‍♂️
  • Interaction with KILT Blockchain 🌐: We will learn how to read and write data from the KILT blockchain. 📖✏️

🪙 Extra Info: You can get KILT Peregrine test coins from the faucet! 💰💧

What Can You Expect? 🤩

🎯 Topic: KILT SDK Basics, Simple Credential Flow, CTYPEs, Claims, and more! 🎉📚

How Long?: Approximately 45 - 60 minutes 🕒

📋 Requirements: Basic knowledge of Javascript or TypeScript is required. 🖥💡

Before starting the tutorial, I wish everyone a fun and informative time! 🥳🎈