Ana içeriğe geç

Setup 🛠️

Node.js 🟩

Node.js allows us to run JavaScript code locally. We need Node.js to run the KILT SDK code in our project locally! 🏃‍♀️

📥 Download Node.js here. Version 16.0 and above will do the job.

Requirements 📋

Please create a new folder and name it kilt-rocks. 📂 Here, we will install the libraries:

  • KILT SDK-JS 🌐 - For KILT operations
  • dotenv 🔒 - To store secret information
  • ts-node and TypeScript 🛡️ - To run TypeScript code

🚨 Where Did TypeScript Come From?

TypeScript is like a big brother to JavaScript. It adds type safety and is developed by Microsoft. 🖥️ If you know JavaScript, you'll get used to TypeScript quickly! 🚀 For more about TypeScript you can check this.

alternative text


We will use basic TypeScript in the project, so don't be afraid!

Package Installation 📦

You should run the following codes in the terminal. 🖥️

npm init -y //🎉 Automatically creates a 'package.json' file.
npm install @kiltprotocol/sdk-js dotenv typescript ts-node //📦 Installs KILT SDK, dotenv, and TypeScript.

Setting Up Project Folders 📁

Your folder structure should look like this:

└─ kilt-rocks/ # project folder
├─ node_modules
├─ attester/ # folder where all attester codes are located
├─ claimer/ # folder where all claimer codes are located
├─ verify.ts # all verifier codes
├─ .env # environment variables and secret info file
├─ package.json # automatically generated file
└─ yarn.lock # automatically generated file 2

PILT Tokens 🪙

We will use the Peregrine Testnet, so we need PILT tokens. We can get them for free, so don't worry! 💦

Blockchain Connection 🌐

We need to set up the SDK for the blockchain connection. We will connect to the Peregrine Testnet with the Kilt.connect(address) code. 🤝

Add the extension for the Peregrine network to the .env file:


All settings are complete! 🎉 Now we can start! 🚀