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In this section, we will execute the Claimer individual's actions. 🚀

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🤔 Claimer? What's that? 🤔
  • A Claimer is an individual or institution that makes a claim or statement about their identity or abilities. 🗣️ They can use their identity credentials to prove these claims, and third-party institutions can verify these credentials. 💪

  • Anyone can be a Claimer! 🙌 All you need to do is complete a Ctype and create a claim. Then, you can send these claims to Attesters for verification. 📝🔒

  • Claimers are the heroes of the Self-Sovereign Identity system! 🦸‍♀️ They have full control over their data and decide for themselves which pieces of data to share, where, and how. 🛡️🔐

  • They store their identity credentials in their digital wallets, so they decide which information to provide to which service. 💼🔏

  • You don't need to create a DID on the chain, meaning you are entirely independent! 🆓 Claimers can use their accounts without needing a chain connection. ⛓️🔓

🗺️ Roadmap 🗺️

  1. Creating and Reviewing a Private DID: In the first step, we will create a DID. 🆔 These DIDs will differ slightly from the DIDs we created for Attesters. We will examine them in detail. 🕵️‍♀️
  2. Preparing a Claim, Getting it Verified, and Creating a Credential: Next, we will create a Claim, open a request to verify this claim, and create a credential based on the claim. 📜🔏
  3. Delivering the Documents to the Verifier: We will deliver these documents to the Verifier individual. 🤝

📂 File Architecture 📂

We will create the files shown below inside the Claimer folder. 📁 These files will give us the perspective of the Claimer. 🎥

└─ kilt-rocks/ # project
└─ claimer/ # all claimer codes
├─ createClaim.ts # creates a claim
├─ createPresentation.ts # creates a presentation for the verifiers
├─ generateCredential.ts # creates the identity credential object to be sent to the attester
├─ generateKeypairs.ts # creates key pairs for the light DID
└─ generateLightDid.ts # creates a light DID for the claimer
🚨 Attention! 🚨

Let's become a Claimer! 🎉🙌