📄️ createPortal
The createPortal function allows you to render children into a different part of the DOM. This is particularly useful for components like modals or tooltips.
📄️ findDOMNode
The findDOMNode API finds the browser DOM node for a React class component instance. This documentation explains its usage, caveats, and alternatives.
📄️ flushSync
flushSync forces React to flush any updates synchronously within a given callback, allowing immediate DOM updates. Use it judiciously to avoid performance issues.
📄️ hydrate
The hydrate API allows you to render React components into a browser DOM node with pre-existing HTML. Learn how to implement it and avoid common pitfalls.
📄️ React DOM APIleri
React DOM APIleri, web uygulamaları için spesifik yöntemler içerir. Bu belgede APIlerin kullanımı ve madde madde açıklamaları bulunmaktadır.
📄️ Ön Bağlantı
preconnect fonksiyonu, kaynakları yüklemesini beklediğiniz bir sunucuya önceden bağlanmanızı sağlar. Bu makalede preconnect kullanımının temel yönlerini keşfedin.
📄️ prefetchDNS
The prefetchDNS function allows you to eagerly resolve the IP of a server from which resources will be loaded. This document explains its usage and parameters.
📄️ preinit
preinit function allows for pre-fetching stylesheets or external scripts, improving load times. This guide details its parameters and usage examples.
📄️ preinitModule
The preinitModule function in Reacts experimental channels allows you to pre-load ESM modules. Understand its parameters, usage, and important considerations.
📄️ preload
Preload is a function that allows you to fetch resources like stylesheets, fonts, or external scripts preemptively. This document covers its usage, parameters, and best practices.
📄️ render
The render API allows users to display React components in the browsers DOM. This documentation provides insights on its usage, parameters, and caveats.
📄️ preloadModule
The preloadModule function allows for preloading ESM modules. This guide explores its usage and parameters.
📄️ unmountComponentAtNode
The unmountComponentAtNode API is used to remove a mounted React component from the DOM, cleaning up event handlers and state. This feature has been deprecated in React 18.
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